The most amazing girl in the world. While spending time with her, it seems like time stops. She can nearly hypnotize you with her smile and laugh. And this is the reason, you always want to make her smile. Her Sneezes are the cutest sounds i have ever heard. Her giggles are more contagious than Covid19. She also has the best personality. If god ever created a perfect and most beautiful being in the entire universe, I am sure it is Shelly.
Person 1: This Star up there is really beautiful.
Person 2: It is not nearly as beautiful as Shelly tho.

Person 1: Do you know Shelly?
Author of this definition: Yes ofcourse, she is the person i had my "ZING" with.
by Revelant January 11, 2022
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The hottest chick in town. Gorgeous smile. Exotic Eyes. Attaches to a single partner for life and shows unmatched love, desire and affection for that one lucky person. Sexually unmatched, get a piece of this and you will fall under her spell for life. Maternal, loves her children incredibly so. Try to step between her and her children, or her mate, and you will suffer public scorn and the deepest physical wounds imaginable. A Shellie will never forget and will never forgive anyone outside her immediate family if you cross her or its perceived that you cross her or her loved ones. With a Shellie is is all or nothing. Love her and she will love you...provided you are the first to knock at her door and impress her with your good looks and charm.
That girl is sweet looking.

No kidding, she's definitely a Shellie.
by MrFreePress February 3, 2010
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A kickass girl that smokes shit, is fucking funny, and loves to party. Usually around a height of about 5' tall, these chicks are usually really hardcore and have a pet unicorn that can shit rainbows.
Bro 1: Dude, she is such a Shelli.
Bro 2: I know, right?! It's like she's one of the guys.
Bro 3: Exactly...DUDE! She's making out with the couch!
Bro 1: Aight Imma be honest here, this is turning me on.
Bro 2: Your mom's turning me on!
Bro 3: ...dude what the fuck is wrong with you?!
by NYANUNICORN December 19, 2011
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The hottest, prettiest girl ever. Has lots of friends, everyone loves her! Tends to have boy toys
That girl is such a shelli! look at her with all of those boys, damn i wish i was a pretty as her.
by Love dovies November 29, 2011
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Shelly is the girlfriend that you took for granted. When you break up with her, her sexiness will drive you crazy. Stay with Shelly!
Dumbass: Finally!! I broke up with Shelly so I can go out with Jessica!!

Dumbass(two weeks later): Shit man... I broke up with Shelly... FML
by Timmy Bonjangle Schmidt April 18, 2009
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a generally nice cute and sweet girl/boy who loves to smile
also loves to help others
BOB: woahh did you see that shelly girl?

JOE: hell yeahh shes so sweet and cute... i just wanna bang the $h!t outta her! no lie man

BOB: wow... i was just sayin she looked cute

JOE: my bad man my bad
by Annie Shakran March 24, 2008
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Shelly is a beautiful caring person with an amazing personality and laughs alot shelly always smiles but might have the odd drink
by Family is important September 3, 2019
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