In quantum mechanics, Cats Schrödinger In quantum mechanics is a thought experiment, that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical Schrödinger may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.
Hey would it be cool is i swapped Schrödingers cat with Cats Schrödinger
by Uno_Bruno October 25, 2022
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Referring to a secret/rumor you're not sure has gotten around
Person X: Has the secret/rumour gotten around yet?
Person Y: Dunno, Schrödinger's Cat's in the bag
Person X/Y once rumour has gotten around: Guess Schrödinger's Cat is out the bag now
by The Daft Knee February 7, 2022
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Schrödinger's Cat is thought experiment that shows something called superposition, with a box, a cat, some poison (or radiation, or bomb, or whatever, it is just supposed to kill the cat), and a object that could read a particle's spin. Erwin Schrödinger thought that if you put a cat in a box with something that could harm them, and you can't see inside the box, the cat is both dead and alive all at the same time.
Will you PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT Schrödinger's Cat, BILLY?
by Owlss June 13, 2022
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A nightmare I had back in the early 2010's.

The big, black Schrödinger's Cat jumped on my head.

I woke up.
A big, black Schrödinger's Cat jumped on my head in my dreams last night. I was terrified.
by Vita Smart July 15, 2022
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