getting scarecrowed is when you put a broomstick up your ass and and then ram the other end in the dirt so your feet don't touch the ground
Virgil got a broom handle rammed up his ass by his grandad and stuck out in the cornfield homie got scarecrowed he loved it
by redemptionlost February 22, 2022
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A person who acts happy but is really sad or deppresed
Guys we need to help him hes being a scarecrow
by Dont know what to put January 12, 2018
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An empty police car found on the side of the road. Typically used to scare speeding drivers into slowing down to the speed limit.
Passenger: "Slow down, there's a cop up ahead!"

Driver: "It's fine. It's just a scarecrow."
by 1337pino August 31, 2008
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Used to describe a male friend who is so ugly and/or socially challenged that he scares women away.

Only useful where women are sometimes referred to as "BURDS" or "CHICKS".
Mick : Mate I asked James if he wanted to come out with us tonight.

Bradley : Aw man why? That guys a total scarecrow!

Gary : We need to lose Hugh tonight he is scaring all the burds away!

Franco : Yeah he is a right scarecrow
by SIDEBOOB09 August 2, 2010
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1. The act of killing and hollowing someone out, then stuffing their body with hay or cotton.

2. Standing in a field waiting for something to happen. Usually used as an insult.
1. Did you hear about James? Yeah, some freak scarecrowed him and left him hanging in his apartment.

2. What the fuck is grandpa doing in the yard? He's just standing there scarecrowing and staring at passing cars again.
by Hyptosis June 30, 2011
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When a man just lies there and makes the woman (or other man) do all the work in the sack; the male equivalent of "starfishing".
Man, I was really giving it my all, riding that dude and he was just scarecrowing. What a disappointment.
by FionaB January 11, 2014
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