The act of thinking it’s should be harder.
Salo: Yo that is shit is V12.

Peers: Hehe, more like soft 8. Stop saloing Salo
by BFYF October 4, 2017
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A boy who is lit af loud at some points annoying at some points but always finds a way to make people laugh and a person who always wants to prove people wrong
Person. Damn nate salo is lit af
by Billybobwannabe December 15, 2017
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Salo, the most arrogant and confident person you know. also the person you love the most. Salo's often have a sporty or sexy body, good sense of humor and very present. they can also be very calm and they are never stressed. Salo is going to be very famous and successful later on. make sure you befriend a salo, because then you will experience a lot of crazy things.
by Onethatmatter November 22, 2021
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A guy looking to cause trouble. Lethal.
by BYZBORIS September 30, 2020
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Salo odday or "Сало оддай" is a meme popularized in Eastern Europe, specifically in Ukraine and russia. It is roughly translated as "Give my lard back".
by LilSagie_ April 10, 2023
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