one who likes to mount themselves on dicks. one who rides dicks for pleasure in spare time. someone who gets on your nerves. (male to male) call someone this to piss them off.
"Justin, why did you have to win? I wanted to," says jim. "Cause you suck at life," replies justin. "God justin you're a dick saddler."
by xx69inmymouthxforfree69 July 21, 2009
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The head villain from Resident Evil 4. Transforms into a huge ass spider when he pleases. Started the whole Las Plagas virus in RE4.
Osmund Saddler - the 5th time I'm putting this into urban dictionary.
Leon kills him with a specialized rocket launcher.
by Adrian July 1, 2006
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When a male rides (saddles) his partner while performing anal and screams yee-haw as he ejaculates.
Tom: Man I just gave Janet the biggest Kentucky Saddler. Too bad her father found the mess.
by Poopcicle July 13, 2014
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The daughter of a heather who is just as or even more beautiful than her mother. She is kind, and compassionate and a friend to just about everyone she meets. She is humble and servant hearted, always putting others before herself. Oh She is so oblivious to her own beauty but others around her can see it from a mile away. Her beauty, not only evident on the outside is even more evident on the inside. You see it is her heart for The Lord and her pursuit of a relationship with Jesus that makes her truly beautiful!
She is definitely a Saddler for sure….
by BECAUSEOfHISLOVE November 28, 2021
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A close friend who aids you in the pursuit of pulling a female on a night out.

Similar to a wingman, although Fanny Saddler is a gender neutral term.

A Fanny Saddle can aid in the pursuit of both straight and lesbian sexual relations, but only when attempting to pursue a female.
"Hey Col mate, could you be my Fanny Saddler tonight?"

"Course I can Babs, I'll saddle it, you ride it"
by Mr A. M. Stonewalls September 13, 2021
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