Someone who is so much of a skank, a skank isnt enough to discribe how much of one she is so Zilla is used at the end of it as in godzilla coz hes a big cunt so its skankzilla get some fools.
Oh look, there goes skankzilla
by ZZskankzillajuiceZZ March 16, 2009
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godzilla lookin skank, monsterious looking hoe, god awful looking woman that thinks she i sthe shit but really she looks like godzilla on crack
damn look at that skankzilla walkin down the road. How did that skankzilla get a man?
by billy's wife May 30, 2010
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the contribution of two parts..
1.) being a total and udder skank.
2.)fugly like the giant mothra kicking lizard.
by MALCAR April 28, 2009
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A huge, often gross, woman with a sloppy body. It is custom for the Skanzilla to be observed with a cigarette in the mouth, while mindlessly staring at her Cellphone. In a Ghettofied neighborhood you find at least one and anywhere up to three Skankzillas, though they never are seen together,
Alert the Japanese! Here comes Skankzilla and her slutty daughter Ho-zilla.
by Riffled Folios October 16, 2018
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Chic that doesn't discriminate against any person as a sexual partner. All are welcome! Free stds!
by Dr. Mando June 10, 2016
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