to leave a place and travel to another one, typically by using public transport.
adam: i'm routing rn
by dankk4 November 17, 2017
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1. Contraction of the phrase "rock out."

2. To go out, spend lots of money, drink lots of booze, and shamelessly hit on girls. Essentially, to get nice and go huge.

notes: "rout" is commonly used together with the word "cout" which is itself a contraction of the words "cock out." Routing is also an important concept in the Get Drunk and Go for It school of thought.
James: What do you want to do tonight? Wanna rout a little?
Ben: Yeah, let's take many tequila shots and rout with our couts.

James: Did you get nice last night?
Ben: I straight routed; I gave some girl all kinds of orgasms when I put my d in her v.
by Young Whistla May 29, 2009
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something that is extremely distgusting
"these sandwiches are straight rout!"
by DFizzle February 21, 2006
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To route:
A walk through your hometown, (often partnered up with a fellow router) while routing (walking) you often interact with nature in autistic ways, that "normal" people will be tempted to stop and admire. A route often has a secret target or goal, it could be anything but usually the goal is a local supermarked, where you can stock up on your goods.
You will normally see a pair of active routers during the daytime.

The four-wheeled route (explained): The four-wheeled route is roughly the same as a route although, a four-wheeled route will require a drivers license and a ROUTERS-CLUB membership.
A four-wheeled route dosen't limit you, like a normal "route"; instead its only your imagination that sets the limits for this kind of route.
You will normally see a pair of active four-wheeled routers at midnight.
1. Route?
2. Yes.
2. Four-wheeled?
1. No
2. Oh:(
1. NVM, four-wheeled route is now possible
2. Amazing
by Bertman7 March 14, 2023
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The official term used to describe the invasive and harassing act of planning a defined series of checkpoints to discretely obtain the whereabouts of particular individuals.
Heather: I am bored, lets find out what those guys are doing?

Kate: *breathing heavily*. Lets Do the Route!! Joe's house first. *breathing continues, heavily*
by foug January 11, 2005
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When the cops raided the keg everyone routed.
by brian. November 7, 2007
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