A fucking try-hard wannabe. Found at most English universities, wearing a pink t-shirt, stupid cancer band, "retro" trainers, ripped jeans and some kind of gay chinese symbol tattoo.
"Russ is such a rooter"
by Lewis1983 May 30, 2005
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A term local to northern california sonoma county area in the early 00's by the "tweeker" community. A Rooter is a thief and or vandal that will take anything and everything thats not tied down and some things that are. To Root is to steal and take stuff. Root'n is the act of taking stuff
I'm the rooter you see all that i just came up on. He was Root'n last night and picked up a GTA. I have to go Root i need some shit to trade for Crank
by C'Rankin August 11, 2010
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An act of sexual perfection which requires 2 main ingredients in order to be successfully accomplished: A coil spring mattress and a gassy male counterpart. The man will be on the bottom, and while the woman rides with delight, he cuts a loud, gut-wrenching fart, which is then amplified by the coil spring mattress to send vibrations through his shaft so that she feels it in her bones, thereby enhancing her pleasure and overall sexual experience. It is also acceptable for both parties to laugh uncontrollably upon completion.
Jim: So Becky and I went and had Mexican for dinner last night, then we went home to screw.
Brad: Dude, sounds like all the ingredients for a Roto-Rooter! Did you give her one?
Jim: Hell yeah I did, we laughed our asses off, too. I ripped one and it shook the whole bed. She loves the Roto-Rooter.
by Jon the American June 13, 2021
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It's who to call when you're "tired of the steady drip...drip...drip of gonorrhea".

From an early Cheech & Chong routine.
"Tired of the steady drip...drip...drip of gonorrhea? Call Peter Rooter..."
by Mr70Homers June 6, 2023
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Somebody who only looks out for themselves. They will do whatever they have to do, to make sure they come out on top. They will hurt anyone in the way. It always comes back to themselves winning.
Tommy, wouldn't train with the guys cuz he said his truck needed repair, so he would stay back and fix the truck while his boys sweat in the 100+ degree summer training. Tommy really square rooted his way out of this one.

Fritz doesn't like to work on holidays. So he calls in sick weeks before and stays out the whole time. He thinks because he does it 2 weeks prior that he has more ground to stand on, but everyone knows he was gonna do that because he's a square rooter.
by Wakafaluka waka waka June 23, 2011
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This is a variation of the short song, "Peter Rooter" that appeared on the audio-only album, "Los Cochinos" from 1973.
Hey there swingin' bachelors
Tired of that steady drip
Drip, drip of gonorrhea?
Then Pecker Rooter might be just what you've been waiting for

♪Pecker Rooter, that's the name♪
♪You just flush your troubles♪
Down the drain
♪Rotten Pecker, rotten pecker, rotten pecker♪
by Telephony October 1, 2014
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This is a variation of the short song, "Peter Rooter" that appeared on the Cheech & Chong audio-only album, "Los Cochinos" from 1973.
Hey there swingin' bachelors
Tired of that steady drip
Drip, drip of gonorrhea?
Then Pecker Rooter might be just what you've been waiting for

♪Pecker Rooter, that's the name♪
♪You just flush your troubles♪
Down the drain
♪Rotten pecker, rotten pecker, rotten pecker♪
by Telephony October 1, 2014
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