a woman with a bird like voice, usually very annoying and persistant.
by Mr.Fantastic August 29, 2008
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Made of metal, with gleeming circuits. Ocaasionaly perpetual and ALWAYS keeping the country clean.
ahh man, that new les ephants terribles CD is so roarke.
by sebastian boneapart June 5, 2005
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A fart, initiated in a bath tub.
"What was that noise from upstairs?"
"I think Jimmy just roarked."
by Roddamn October 25, 2006
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Main Entry: roark
Pronunciation: r'O'-r K
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin roarkillis, from Latin in- + ignoramus, oblivious -- more at 'asshat'
: incapable of accepting free perspectives; to dominate ignorantly; : UNCONQUERABLE
At the Theatre: "Man that conductor was such a Roark. I feel like I've lost my entire conceptual universe."

At the Gas Station: "That mother ****** just roark'd me!"

At the Art Galleria: "I'm not fond of his work. This piece is such a Roark. Tell me Geoffrey, what do you make of the upside down monkeys?"
by Semour December 30, 2005
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Passive aggressively posting comments on facebook to make yourself feel better about being lonely.
Friend posts new pic on facebook.

The person who is Roarking: is that the last thing your boyfriend saw this morning?
by osirisob December 5, 2011
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The best gospel music singer of all time
Danny Roark sings like an angel
by AGuyNamedJerry November 12, 2022
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Roarke is vain. Roarke spends hours and hours gazing into his reflection in the mirror.
he desires but one thing in this world,

The rectus abdominis muscle.

some kind of love.

the end.
by mirandamirandamir April 16, 2020
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