Ridgefield is a village town, we have no fast foods or chains,yes that means no McDonalds. We have 10 banks and 10 Italian resturrants. We have so many Banks beacuse everyone in this town people have multiple accounts beacuse they have so much money. Just driving into town you can see by the houses and cars people have enough money to stop world hunger. Our Main street is filled with boutiques that will cost you a small fortune to shop at. Your not aloud to have neon signs, only "open" signs. We have no boweling alley, no movie theater and nothing that would interest night life. Our nickname is "Richfield". To live here you have to have money, what we consider poor is a millionare. The houses range from 500,000 to 35 million. We have some celebrities. If your lucky you might find a condo at 400,000.

Our school system is rated the best around but if you asked the teenagers that live it, it different from the ratings. Every high schooler has tried pot once and they all drink alcohol regularly. Most kids do alot of drugs beacuse we have money from daddy and we spend it on drugs. The high school has dealers, for awhile it was the security guards till they got caught. We smoke in school, no one really cares. No one gets suspended. The high school is filled with girls who are absoulute sluts and are 80 pounds.The guys who are assholes and then of course the people who have just died inside.Ive never seen so many thongs hanging out of peoples pants and they frankly dont care. All the girls lose their virginity's at the age of 14 in the backseat of a 16 year olds car. The worst problem in the high school is the bullying, if you piss someone off their friends will come after you till you drop off the face of the earth. No one cares about respect beacuse in the end they are right beacuse they have money and power.If you look around maybe you can see a black kid....or an asian, but its hard. Everyone is white but they think they are black, they think ridgefield is the ghetto, its not even close.

Their is no where for us teens to hang out so its usally in a parking lot at Dunkin' Donuts, Baskin Robins, Genoa, or CVS. The kids who dont have cars chill out in town and the park. The cops are jerks beacuse they have nothing better to do. If you are found with a little alcohol you get jailed for life. If your found in the park after 8 walking, its a crime.

Most people have multiple horses and 100,000 dollar cars. Alot have more then one house, some even have three-four. We live in the What they say is the "OC County" of the east coast. If you asked someone from ridgefield where their from , they say "New york Bordor".
Ridgefield motto-"You dream it, we live it."
Becky- "OMG Liz ur thong is hanging out!"
Liz- "OH, I know.;)"
Rob-" Yo man, you need to come down to ridgefield we will go chill out in the CVS parking lot."
Dan- "Yo man that sounds sick, im in."
by ibelongsomewhere May 21, 2006
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one of the prettiest towns in Fairfield county. All of the people who have been there for a long time try to claim it's a nice country town and all the young ppl try to claim its an awesome party. In reality, it's a really boring place where you can only drink, smoke, drive, or hang out behind A.) Starbucks B.) Baskin Robbins or C.) CVS.
everyone there plays soccer and you have relativley no chance of seeing anyone who isn't white in town.
Ridgefield Kids:
Where do u want to hang out?
Starbucks...or BR...or CVS...is there anywhere else?
by 12345687no1 October 11, 2005
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You know what, screw all you who have dissed Ridgefield. Yeah, it's a small town, yeah kids do drugs, yeah kids drink alcohol, yeah kids still get good grades...sounds like you're all jealous. The chicks on the dance team can dance..they aren't sluts or whores..they can dance. that's it. the cheerleaders work hard on their routines, they are not losers. Yes, this town is full of jocks and preps, oh and also some wiggers, but so what? So are mostly all towns/cities. Ridgefield is a safe little town in Fairfield County-where all the best parties go down. Shove that up your ass.
Ridgefield High School-you can't compare.
by KayVee November 2, 2006
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A poorly defined town in Connecticut. Yes, it is generaly rich, and most houses are either ancient colonials or new McMansions. There are a decent amount of normal sized/aged houses, but not many are located in any area they would be seen. The town does have a terrible selection of shops, most being over-priced clothing stores, 'antique' stores, jewlery stores and that one lingerie shop. The only places that stay open after 7 are Deborah Ann's, CVS, Planet Pizza, Starbucks and the Subway that was forced to move to a side street rather than actual main street. There is the park, which has a tree, gazebo, stage and is CVS ajacent. The cops do have not a thing to do, so they spend all thier time busting teenagers for drinking and smoking. They do this alot, since alcohol and cigarrets can be bought by the on homeless man in town for a low, low price. The school is well know for having good SAT scores and GPAs, but that doesn't make it a good school. The building is poorly designed and overly-crowded, the classes spend only about half the actual class time doing work, and many teachers enjoy talking about thier personal lives with the students. Most seniors drive, and the majority of the current sophmores are complete bastards/bitches. The girls are not AS slutty as everyone says, but there are plenty of sluts around. The jocks are well know due to the fact that the only thing ever talked about on morning announcments is sports (mostly football). Our mascot is the tiger, which there is a bronze statue of outside the main office. It is male. Very, very male. The kids are not as spoiled as everyone thinks, but money is not an issue for virtually anyone in school. Sex happens, but sex happens everywhere. Sometimes on the stage in the auditorium. Some kids do do drugs, almost always pot, but not everyone is a junkie. Underclassmen do fight more than past years, but it's mostly amongst themselves. Cars... are fairly normal, but there are too many humemrs and jeeps for a suburban town like Ridgefield.
Student 1: WTF. Ridgefield isn't as f'ed up urban dictionary says.
Student 2: Pretty close though.
Student 1: Yeah...
by YourNameOrPseudonymHere October 29, 2008
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A town in Connecticut that is connected with many stereotypes. Having lived here, you know you are a true Ridgefielder if you're the majority of these things...

- You vacation in Florida every long weekend.
- You've been to Martha's Vineyard at least 3 times.
- You're Italian.
- If you're not Italian, you're "1/4th Irish"
- If you're not Irish or Italian, then you're from some unknown country, and love to brag about it.
- When someone asks what Deborah Ann's is, you gasp.
- You've had a cell phone since you were in elementary school.
- You play soccer if you're a girl, basketball if you're a boy.
- You're constantly bickering about Mets vs Yankees
- You have a teenage/older sibling.
- There are many sets of twins in all of your activities.
by Ollie44 March 9, 2011
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Ridgefield... They're all brick mansions in this town. This preppy little town is the next runner up to New Canaan in rich preppy kids. Basically, the parents make huge amounts of money to spend half of it on their children. The kids go out to buy drugs and alcohol, and over 63% of teenage girls there are sluts. Despite drinking, drugs, and underage sex, the students manage to receive incredibly high grades and achievements in soccer, and umm... soccer. If you're not preppy enough for New Canaan, it's Ridgefield.
The less-preppy less-wealthy version of NC
by ridgefieldknowitall April 7, 2005
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