When you're so horny that you contemplate raping someone.
I'm feeling mighty rapy today, come here baby.
by DV8ing February 11, 2018
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It's like rabies, but it's from the saliva of a creepy guy. It's the combination of rape and rabies.
*guy licks girl's hand*
Girl: DOOD WTF? I think I just got your rabies!!
Guy: More like rapies. trolllollol
by ctrl al March 10, 2011
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(Pronounced Ra-pi-Dose) A play on the Spanish word rapidos, which means "quickly". Rapi-dos essentially means 'hurry up".
Steve: I need to run upstairs and grab my phone charger.

Kyle: Boy, you better rapi-dos! We're already 5 minutes late!
by slamjackson.com May 10, 2011
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The disease men claim to have to justify why they cannot control themselves around women, also applicable to pedos who claim they can't control themselves. Portmanteau of rape and rabies
That bastard raped a woman and claimed it wasn't his fault... What does he think he has rapies or something?
by Prof_Antimony June 28, 2022
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An adjective for a person (usually a man)

who looks or is a creep or a rapist.
That guy looks rapy.
Hisoka looks so rapy when he looks at Gon.
NiKiTa MaZePIn is so rapy.
by Soysoice January 29, 2021
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An adjective for a person who looks or is a creep or a rapist.
That guy looks rapy.
Hisoka looks so rapy when he looks at Gon.
NiKiTa MaZePIn is so rapy.
by Soysoice January 29, 2021
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