A fantastic clothing line designed by Ralph Lauren. Used to be considered classy to wear, but now you have white trash and black people trying to wear it. That and the production of fake RL in China has lead to the downfall of Ralph Lauren. Ralph Lauren is no longer a "thing" for the preps.
Chantel " OMG, ew, look at that white trash trying to wear RL."

Blair " Ahaha, ew, I'm definetly not buying Ralph Lauren anymore."

Chantel " Me either, let's run to Lacoste, before the black people take over that"

Blair " Yes! Let's take my bentley.!"
by Hummahumma February 22, 2011
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Designer brand that costs a lot of money. Famous for their polos. Meant for the wealthy/preppy East Coast crowd.
"That Ralph Lauren polo is off the chain!"
"Please, stop...we live in Greenwich, Connecticut."
by ELHSkid January 6, 2005
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Designer brand, most famous for it's polo shirts in its Ralph Lauren 'Blue' collection. Ralph Lauren polo's are sometimes known as 'ralphies'
Ralph lauren pink polo shirt.
by Ally April 21, 2005
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A brand that used to be exclusive, until things went too far and every Tom, Dick and Harry started buying its products.
Phony Chinese imitations are partly to blame for the downfall of ralph lauren.
by MKBauers October 9, 2006
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Verb: to ralph lauren *something* or *someone*

Definition: to photoshop a model to look thinner than normal humans.

Not to confuse with the fashion guru Ralph Lauren.
Elle Magazine have really succeeded with a ralph lauren. Don't you think? She looks so thin...
Don't do so much ralph lauren on me. I want to look natural. I already have size 0.
by Rune Smith October 16, 2009
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a culture shock if you live in the boondocks.
i liken it to expensive abercrombie or hollister: the land of douchebags and the shirts with the pre-popped collars.
at ralph lauren do they actually pay people to pop the collars on all the shirts on all the shelves?
by rosenelson07 July 11, 2008
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probably the most preppiest store around. a store where rich preppy teens go and blow $300 on a nice polo.
Guy 1: dude, look at that girl. She's wearing POLO ralph lauren...
Guy 2: she must be a prep.
by Carly Leigh August 12, 2007