"I know chihuahuas that's mo' rah rah, / Ha ha, / I have to laugh Dre, I bet he take bubble baths"
- Hitman on Dr. Dre's 2001
by Cap Daddy March 25, 2006
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Someone who attends private school, has messy blonde hair, lives in Berkshire, plays rugby, has an Aga, holidays in the Caribbean, knows someone who knows a member of the royal family, has an investment banker father, has a Range Rover, will go to Durham or Bristol university to study languages and is called Jeremy or Jemima.
Rah Rah! Like sooo rah. Raaaaah.
by theurbandictionarydon April 27, 2011
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A 'game' played by private school fags which involves principaly sticking thier heads up each other's asses.
Also known as 'Rugby Union'
Look at those North Shore Private School Silvertails sticking their heads up each others asses! They must be playing Rah-Rah
by rogsamsy August 27, 2009
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Derogatory slang name for a high school or college cheerleader, derived from traditional "Rah! Rah! Rah!" cheer employed at many varieties of sporting events.
The rah-rahs think they're the queens of the school, just because they prance around in funny little costumes at football games.
by Lingster January 23, 2005
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The newest, and trendiest, form of the colloquialism "brah." 2014 comin' atcha'.
Guy 1: Who the FUCK took my Anal Acrobats DVD?!
Guy 2: Yo, chill rah-rah, you let me borrow it the other night.
Guy 1: Oh, that's right. Sorry, the PCP makes me a little moody sometimes.
Guy 2: It's all good, rah-rah.
by SanduskysTouch January 27, 2014
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An overweight female who is too intoxicated to care who places what in her Anus, Vagina, Mouth, fat fold in a any given moment.
Oh god there was this fat chick who had a Chris Farley belly and she didn't care how many dicks were in her she went total Rah Rah style.
by Urmom+meequalsphun October 1, 2009
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Likely to own a ten year old international replica shirt. Will never have been to a club game in his life.
by gremlin November 18, 2003
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