pulling a jack: passing out after imbibing or inhaling a small amount of illegal or legal narcotic.
Man, landrith is pulling a jack tonight, i think he pissed himself, and hes passed out.

(jacks passed out in the back of the van snoring)
..troy-"damn, jacks asleep"
..landrith-"yea we should get him home"
..ben-"jack wake up its time for a bong hit"
by Ben Lustig January 30, 2008
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someone (usually a male) who gets very excited over doing things with the opposite sex that others find mundane.
bro 1: were's sam?
bro 2: he's over there cuddling with elizabeth
bro 1: she's so drunk! practically unconscious!

*sam walks up*

sam: guys! guys! i was cuddling with elizabeth! i even put my hand on her ass!
bro 1: *whispers* he's pulling a jack
by chachboyginger November 4, 2010
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The endless promises by a sex that states the importance of one another. After the hook up, one will completely drop the other, calling the other weird and or clingy just because they want to begin a new and or figure out past issues.
Jen: I thought they were doing well.

Eric: well it all ended because Zach started "pulling a Jack."

Jen: ew what a fucking dick hole...
by Youiswrong August 17, 2015
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To pull a Jack Warner is to pull out of something at the last minute.
You: So what time are we meeting him?
Me: Ahh we're not anymore he pulled a Jack Warner 10 minutes ago.
by Spaghetti1245 July 17, 2009
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Dying and coming back to life, or pretending to die and coming back to life as Jack Bauer from 24 has done twice
-So James have you read Romeo and Juliet yet?
- Yeah Juliet pulls a Jack Bauer

Boy- That guy was drowning!
Girl- No dont worry, he was just pulling a Jack Bauer
by Ana M. October 21, 2007
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The act of successfully staying awake for a full 24 hours without any form of rest whatsoever under the most extreme conditions known to man. This is almost always accompanied by having the fate of the entire world resting on your shoulders.
Those crazy fucking terrorists were up all night trying to attack as many different places as possible to kill millions upon millions of innocent people. But don't sweat it, luckily Mr. Smith was able to pull a Jack Bauer and save the entire world from its impending doom all by himself.
by BallsToTheWalls June 30, 2007
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"Dammit! Database project for tommorow. I'm gonna have to pull a Jack Bauer to finish it!"
by Solitary May 14, 2007
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