To pop a wood causing one's pants to rise up resembling a tent.
"When I saw her bend over in that short skirt, I had to sit down and pitch a tent."
by (TheDude) May 4, 2007
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to have an erection large enought to lift your trousers to a tent like shape.pitch-a-tent, pitched-a-tent, pitching-a-tent,pitches-a-tent
he loves doing it so much he pitches-a-tent everytime he thinks of it! dont start pitching-a-tent in public! of course he likes porn, i bet he has pitched-a-tent loads of times! damn shes so hot, she makes me pitch-a-tent everytime i see her!
by steven desmond January 26, 2007
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This my children is code name for i got a boner.The word is used to discribe the way pants go up looking like a tent when you get a boner.
I was looking at porn the other day and i started pitching a tent
by {JLS} June 7, 2009
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he pitched a tent when he heard i gave someone a blowjob
boner woody pitching a tent
by Amy Dillbutt September 23, 2007
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1)waking up to a pelvic "Tee Pee" due to a sleeping Hard on. 2) when you wife decides to sleep with her knees bent vertically (sit up position, knees up, back down) thus creating a tent like structure with the sheets causing you to freeze your balls off and wondering why you feel a breeze.
1)"Damn, we went camping and mathew "Pitched a tent" in his sleeping bag!"

2)Awake in the middle of the night, freezing, and notice your wife, spouse , girl friend pitching a tent with her knees.
by Chicopee Greg October 16, 2007
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