Slang. When a person is insulted or dissed it means they have been parred.
Richard: What time is it?
John: Time to fuck your mum.
Kenny: Eeey blud dat's a par!
by Downtown Wtf October 2, 2009
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Basically a diss. When someone disses you, they par you.
Guy: I bet your pussy has spots.
Guy 2: Ohhh you just got parred!


Girl: He doesn't like you. He says your hair is bad.
Girl 2: Ahh that's a par.
by newsensationxo October 5, 2009
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Standard, or regular. The average for any given scale.
All the definitions of this word are for slang variants or mispronounciations? That's par for the course around here.
by Fellow Language Butcher September 27, 2015
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It's means the say as boyed or shame

It's normally used in a sentence...
Boy1: I failed the math test

Boy2: Bruv, that's a par
by sbwild88 February 15, 2010
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Person 1: He said we should go to his house
Person 2: Kmt, That's a PAR man.
by MeeDotDizzle June 25, 2008
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