a shortened version of "phenchoda": Greatest Punjabi Diss.

Extra emphasis need to be used for this word
chup kar PCA
by The 20 Pounder September 27, 2010
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PC Abusers The friendliest computer forum on the net! Get computer help,buy, sell and trade computer parts and talk everything computers
At PCA Forums you can find computer help,tech help,trading,amd,video cards,cpus,intel,overclocking,cooling,computer news,computer reviews
by Augix January 4, 2004
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A person who becomes anxious when making a phone call or when someone is calling them, resulting in them screening the call or just texting as a result . Most commonly seen with millennials who much rather text than make or answer a phone call.
"What's with you constantly screening my calls, we were just texting one another?"

"You clearly have PCA (Phone Call Anxiety)"
by Uncle_Danny September 22, 2018
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You hear about the PCA meeting? Heard they are increasing cock phatness by 10%
by PCA.CEO August 14, 2021
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Pre concert anticipation. This is the feeling you get before watching a concert which may involve being extremely excited and also not being able to stop talking about the concert you are about to see
Hey, you look happy. Is it PCA
by Eidjfjrjekeksskskaoaoa July 6, 2019
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The PCa is good
by paixkamasio November 24, 2021
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PCA is a great podcast made by some portuguese teens that u can ear on spotify right now.
Lets ear the PCA podcast!!
by mrpak June 17, 2019
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