(daht - cahm) word tag - a word tag used to indicate strong emphasis on a word or phrase with which it is used
John: Let's go to a party tonight.
Joe: Solid.com
by deanicholas October 18, 2010
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~used to add additional power to a existing insult.

~used to create personal insult websites in conjunction with 1-800.
"Why don't you play hide and go fuckyourself.com"

"hey, i found a new website: 1-800yourabigfaggot.com"
by Potato April 24, 2005
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Check Out My Status
a term that is used throughout most social networking sites
like facebook, myspace etc.
used to tell ur friends to check your status
"hey COMS"
by >kiki< October 22, 2009
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Crusty Old Man Syndrome.
Full body dandruff, flakey skin
Crikey that Smokey has got Coms all over the office chair.
by Dodgybloke January 20, 2009
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.com is added to any statement to either emphasize it, or if you are in agreement with someone.
X; Stop being such a bitch.com


X; That broad is smokin' hot.
Y; .com
by PhilN May 10, 2008
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