When a light-skiined person is so close to the white race, it seems as if that person is white.
Passing~ Jason Kidd, is he white or black?
by librakkk April 12, 2009
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the present tense of hitting a lic or robbing someone but can also be said in passed-tensed as “passed”
commonly used by bravo the bagchaser and late austin the pacman, rest in peace
“did you see chris flexing on his story?” “yeah that foos an easy lic let’s pass on his ass”
“i just passed in the field, yes i hit another lic” -austin the P
by elmini October 8, 2020
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When something that was a huge fad or extremely popular, is no longer that anymore. Old. Over.
Myspace is passe. So is emo.
by Maybelline October 7, 2007
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Died. Short for "passed away" -- and even more chickenshit.
"My dad was old and ill, and he passed yesterday."
"Yeah, it was in a no-passing zone, and he crashed into an oncoming car."
"Yeah, both he and the other driver were killed."
by lathrop Mxyzptlk September 29, 2011
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past the prime; faded or aged
heroine is so passe, weed is the way to go
by nitz January 22, 2004
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adjective for a trans person who looks like they're cis, whether intentionally or not

usage mostly limited to where trans people are functioning within cis society, where everyone is assumed cis until informed otherwise — a person "passes" for cis until clocked. within trans circles, passing is irrelevant and a rarely used term, because everyone is assumed to be trans.

adopted from an older use of passing, meaning african-americans who move within white society in order to survive. sometimes disambiguated as white-passing and cis-passing. a less appropriative & more accurate term for trans "passing" is masking.
i know passing isn't encouraged anymore bc "trans visibility" or w/e but gawd some days i wish i could just pass at the grocery store and not have to have my guard up 24/7/365
by fish trap July 15, 2018
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