a cool girl who is rebellious by switching the 'c' to a 'k' in her name. this person usually has many friends, has good style, and is very funny and talented.
guy: "do you know nikole?"
girl: "yeah, she's like my best friend!"
guy: "she's mine too! isn't she awesome?"
by duuuuuuuuuuudeirock February 26, 2010
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One who is super radatastic and mondo sexalicious.
Wow. I wish I was a Nikole. then I'd be radatastic and sexalicious at the same time.
by Godlygodman April 12, 2008
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Nikoll is a great outstanding person that has amazing and great seductive magnificent eyes. Shes a genuine soul that is pure in any and every way. If you meet her you need to keep her in your life forever. She is a fairy tail princess brought to life in the modern world. Do not lose her no matter what because she is a person who will be in your heart for life. She is essential to life, fun, outgoing, and keeps a party pumping.
by Kandy Kayne 117 July 26, 2014
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A person who has reached the epitome of cringe. Most sentences of said person are usually met with short answers such as "dude", "wtf", etc.
A: "Or, he did it with his mom. Haaa."
B: "Dude..."
C: "Nikolic."
by kancerkun July 31, 2018
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she is a cool kid who is stubborn at people she hates but if ur her friend she will fucking slap you if ur annoying
Wow that person is so mad, her name must be Nikole
by d44444vid November 11, 2018
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the last color in the rainbow, after either purple or violet, depending on you opinion on the rainbow.
"whats your favorite color?"
by Falling Off The Edge July 14, 2008
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