Some think it is a derogoratory term for black people, Nigger, but this word is different.
"That greedy old niggard."
by Alberto March 26, 2004
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To act or be acted upon in a stingy fashion.

To have been denied something through an act of stinginess.

To have been stiffed, shortchanged, or given a less than substantial amount as a tip for a service rendered; Given a raw deal.

Not related etymologically to the word "nigger."
"I was niggarded so damn much when I went to go claim benefits from my insurance policy."

"Blacksaturn niggarded Rafe when he asked for some candy."

"That bastard niggarded me hard when he let me keep the change for that twenty. That's like 60 fucking cents."
by Kaiser Justus September 23, 2006
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To act or be acted upon in a stingy fashion.

To be denied something through an act of stinginess.

To have been stiffed, shortchanged, or given a less than substantial amount as a tip for a service rendered.

Not related etymologically to the word "nigger."
"I was niggarded so damn much when I went to go claim benefits from my insurance policy."

"Blacksaturn niggarded Rafe when he asked for some candy."

"That bastard niggarded me hard when he let me keep the change for that twenty. That's like 60 fucking cents."
by Kaiser Justus September 22, 2006
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The "Retardation" If you will but replacing the "retard" with "niggar"
"What In The Niggardation is this tomfoolery!"
by ZEPPLER MAVERICK July 20, 2023
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a niggard is someone who is mean or ungenerous
you are a niggard
by Groggydefined November 3, 2022
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This is a word that means a person who is ungenerous or stingy. However it sounds racist and people get in trouble for saying it.
The adjective version of this word is “Niggardly” which means ungenerous or stingy.
Non-Black Dude to Black Dude: You are such a niggard. You always give me such a small piece of pizza at your parties.
Non-Black Dude: I said niggard, which means you are not generous
Black Dude: You are so racist. I don’t want us to be friends any more
by 😩 daddy June 10, 2023
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