A douche bag guy who isn't appreciative of anything and uses the most awesome girl to get one of her best friends who already has a boyfriend..... He makes my sissy sad for reasons she doesn't even know and tells people to go 2 hell well I've gotta say-- I'm not the one who should go to hell you bastard; Mexican Santa; the stupidest piece of shit I know
Nicklaus: Oh I love you
Sissy: Oh I love you too :)

Nicklaus: I'm breaking up with you
Sissy: What?

*holds hand and she forgets everything*

Nicklaus: Oh I'm breaking up with you
Sissy: Oh yeah, good one :)
Nicklaus: No I love your best friend goodbye I'm going to ignore you forever now and be nice to all of your friends bye bye now

Sissy: Oh no I'm sad why do I care
Me: Ummmm yeah just stop caring he's a douche it's ok it's better now I'm here for you sissy :)

Sissy be dere for u gurl u don't need no dumb Meaxican Santa
by Best Sissy EVAHHHHH March 20, 2013
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Nick should call his down south little nick because he has a Napoleon dick. He is a just a noisy little prick. He pisses his pants how long until your mamma potty trains you. Better question, how many times has she banged you. Your girl-boyfriend (sorry) just called. He says you bang him harder than a truck. Knowing you, you probably get paid to fuck. No, actually, his boyfriend says he got offered a couple dollars. Nick said no getting jizzed on by men makes me holler. Before we end, I'd just like to say, nick dresses well for someone who bangs gays.
Nicklaus is such a dick....too bad he doesn't have one
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If you have a Nicklaus in your life they're either a really nice and sweet boy, or he's an asshole who you accidentally slept with. Either way he's super hot, or he will be when he's older. He probably has a younger sister, who's hot but nobody can ever be her boyfriend without Nicklaus getting in the way– but that doesn't stop her from sleeping with every boy she sees. He probably thinks his name is really sexy, or really ancient. Nicklaus can go by Klaus or Nick.
Jane: Did you see Nicklaus's abs? He's so hot.
Christiana: Hey, that's my brother you're talking about, you slut!
by Emily- Jayne466 November 7, 2020
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A dude with a huge dick and big balls. Loves it when people suck on them.
"I love guys like Nicklaus"
by Sugoiboy July 14, 2019
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An amazing person for a guy best friend, he’s charming, he cares, always there for you, loves you. He’ll be there when you need him. He is someone you can vibe to too, he makes your days better,
by kksomething07 May 4, 2019
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