A form of self obsession. Someone who has a case of narcissim is a excessive self admirer.
A personality disorder characterized by ones obsession of his or her own appearance and has an excessive need for admiration. In some cases he or she may feel self-directed sexual desire.
A example of Narcissism is:
Talking into a mirror telling oneself how sexy they are and how they have a nice figure etc.

by Maevie April 16, 2006
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1. Having excessive pride in one's self with out justification, being pig-headed or having excessive self-admeration.
2. A personality disorder charatorized by overestimation of his her own appearence and abilities and an insatiable need for admeration.
3. the element of self-directed sexual desire in the condition.
The man had such a bad case of narcissism, all he thaugh about was him self and how he looked to others.
by Yokubo March 3, 2006
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1. a common affliction among professional basketball and soccer players. Symptoms include excessive bling bling and meterosexuality

2. egocentrism; absorption in oneself

3. psychological and emotional centering of erotic interest and gratification on one's own body.

From the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection.
Only you can stop narcissism.

I'm always right and you're the one who's wrong. Why? Because I'm a narcissist.
by mandingoe September 15, 2004
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If an echoist gets narcissized, their social stratification has been degraded whilst being invalidated. If you're a narcissist and you get narcissized, your social stratification has been upgraded whilst being validated
she longed to be narcissized due to narcissist tendencies
by holinthreesff May 12, 2022
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My ex boyfriend was a lying, abusive narcissist. I didnt know until after I broke up with him that I'd been narcissized.
by ANA - After Narcissistic Abuse September 17, 2012
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Kanye West demonstrates narcissism by saying that if the bible was written today, he would be a character in it.
by madeinsanpablo October 17, 2013
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Narcissism? I'm no narssist, I'm just really, really, really, ridiculusly good looking...

*which for all the ladies out there, I am ;)
by Blah1... October 22, 2005
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