The funniest girl ever she is very cute nice and gives people love and attention and she is very very generous
Nafi is so funny 😂 hahahah
by Skidding January 7, 2019
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Nafis is the innocent looking guy that will send you crying for trying. He is ruthless. He is obsessed with el gato. Nafis is mentally combusted and hasn’t been bussed enough with nuray chemicals.
“Why do you look so sad?” some guy from nuray chemicals

“Because I didn’t use nuray chemicals.... :(“ - nafis


“woah srs?” - nafis

“USE CODE NURAYPRODUCTIONS12345678910 you get a free nuray chemicals on your way!” - some guy from nuray chemicals

“Aw thanks! My life is way better!” - nafis

*3 Months later*

Nafis = 🦾

“See nafis used nuray chemicals and in a matter of 3 months he’s jacked up! You too should try nuray chemicals!” - narrated by shutupnuraz that guy from Nuray Productions
by nuray productions June 15, 2022
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a person who has a strong personality and a high intellectual level, is clever to say, the nafis can also can be attributed to an attitude not giving up and to be independent in every aspect. Usually, the person which has this name are more respected and being loved among thier friends.
"Who can solve this problem?"

"Maybe only "Nafis" can solve this...."
by Mr Robert al Fanusi December 29, 2017
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A Person who doesn't fear anyone

Best in the game

Usually good with girls
Someone who's friends act gay
Dude you are such a Nafie
I sometimes wish i was Nafie
by Bill Thomas ||| November 22, 2021
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A good looking guy with a bit of evilness in a good way 😉. He's a sweetheart and a beat friend. He is good in bed too. Also what a smile.The sound of his laugh is my favourite sound.
Who's that guy?

Oh he? He's Nafis the bestest friend one can ever have.
by He's babygirl November 24, 2021
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