- Guest X: Did you see creepy Asian guy was at the Christmas party last night slobbering on everyone?
- Annoyed Host: Yeah, he was obviously NFI.
by poliparty December 5, 2010
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"can i go to ur party"
"no your nfi"
"oh :("
by yuhhqueen May 23, 2021
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No Further Information

It is also helpful if someone in a position of authority asks what "NFI" means, and you really meant "No Fucking Idea" and you don't want to say that.
"Hey mate, how many whales have been killed by lightning?"

"I have NFI."
by SexyJosem June 30, 2009
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you want to come to my party

ye sure

well you cant your NFI

whats NFI

not flipping invited
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"Hey cj your NFI"
"not flipping invited"
by 6913 March 14, 2023
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NFI stands for not flipping invited. Can be used for people who you don’t want coming to certain events
Haha you can’t come to my party because you are NFI!
by itsurmum July 12, 2020
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Not Fucking Invited or No Fucking Invite (crikey, how long does a definition have to be to get in here?)
Q "Are you going to Jane's party on Saturday?"
A "No, I'm NFI'd"
by Dominic in London July 5, 2004
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