A small penis that is over powered by the bush that surrounds it; when a man's pubes are more impressive than their penis.
The girl was diggin' my style until I dropped my pants and she saw the muskrat.
by RockCock555555 January 25, 2012
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The performance of sobriety when drunk, on drugs, etc.
My mom came home after I'd taken 15 tequila shots, but she didn't even know because I have such a good muskrat.
by Muskrat King February 2, 2012
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Slang. Prevalent throughout the Midwest, the South, Canada, Eastern European countries and in certain sports like Hockey and Baseball. Facial hair that includes a mustache that connects to a goatee, to form a continuous circle of hair. The facial analogy of the mullet. Also known as a Van Dyke.
When we went to the sports bar, we saw half the guys watching Nascar sporting muskrat's.
Look at Bruce, he's wearing a muskrat!
by Big Eddie February 28, 2006
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n,pl. (1) A large North American aquatic rodent, with a musky smell.
(2) Marricel watt
damn! thats ugly...oh wait its just marricel/a muskrat
by pigfucker November 23, 2003
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Often known as slang for someone who plays too much world of warcraft, and tells their parents to get their router.
Ray: "Andrew is such a Muskrat."
Ken: "Yeah, he should probably get off his ass and get onto real life."
by Ghost in the darkness March 3, 2009
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A very good looking male. Can be used anytime anyplace when a hottie is approaching to warn friends of said eyecandy.
"Damn, look at that muskrat, 10 o'clock!"
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A form of torture, varying from forceful sexual activities, to beating the victim mercilessly with eggplant shaped objects, or making them watch pornography of their grandparents/parents. After a muskrat takes place it usuall takes 2 weeks to recover if you survive. YOU DON'T WANT A MUSKRAT!!
Dude did you hear? Riley was given a horrible muskrat, and they found him in the bathroom traumatized, and shaking while whispering "didn't want to go first"
by Muskratman March 29, 2015
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