The Ecruteak Gym Leader in Pokemon, who is UBER-HOT and looks like a stoner. :3

He trains ghost-type Pokemon when he's not smoking crack like a good boy.

Tells people of the legend of the Burnt Tower, which burned when he dropped a joint and the whole place went up but he was too slammed ot do anything about it.
Morty bought more crack from Falner today.
by Oos! OMGWTFLMAO August 11, 2004
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A cool person that will prevent you from ever being bored.
by Dafe4 July 21, 2019
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Takes your silly useless soul and rips your friends and then says 'Mortis, bringer of doom' while if you get a Mortis he makes ongoals in Brawl Ball!
by Born on 20 april 1884 April 22, 2020
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Morty is a Jew dog name. It represents the best and most intelligent form of dog.
I wish I had a Morty
by Narisa September 11, 2010
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a nickname given to the suburb of mortdale, sydney, Australia.
shaun: catch ya down at morty? good side?

ayden: nah bad side! i wanna buy singles at ctc
by mortdale June 25, 2009
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Shaggy-haired Italian with a knack for drinking and smoking. Wonderful kid that is possibly a little too fond of the popped colar and Dashboard Confessional. Commonly known referred to as "Good Sir" and "Smoking Chris."
Person I: Wow, that kid can smoke like a chimney, and drink like a fish!

Person II: I know! It's Morti!
by StalkingChris November 18, 2004
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Morty is the most boolin Motherfucker out there and he bools all day and all night. He's always boolin. He created "we boolin". He's the life of the boolfest. Simply put, he's a straight up bool of a man. The most important thing you need to know about Morty is that he lives for stupid shit!
Morty are you going to the boolfest? "Yktv ofc I'm going asshole 😂"
by A-D0G June 25, 2020
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