1. The quality or condition of being moronic.
2. A moronic act, remark, or idea.
First rule of moronity:
Inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of morons in circulation.

by Ryan Dawson February 6, 2006
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Someone who, in submitting an urban dictionary entry, doesn't quite get the concept that you are trying to define something, not make an argument in favor of it or write a commercial for it.
"The guy who wrote that entry for his home state is a moron."
by Christopher Olsen October 13, 2006
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1. A word for some one with a low iQ.

2. The Welsh word for carrot.
1. That kid is a real moron

2. Dwi'n hoffi moron (I like carrots)
by Anyomonous123 February 2, 2008
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A person who is lacking intellectual capacity and general common sense.
This slang word is mostly used in a derogatory sense.
Eg. I can't believe he dumped you for her, he is such a moron!
by YC7 July 11, 2008
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n. A person whose IQ lies between 45 and 59. Slightly stupider than a retard (60-69) but still smarter than an idiot (below 45).
Bush is a moron.
by virus April 1, 2003
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Another word for George W Bush. Someone who lacks one shred of intellectual curiosity. Someone who uses the word 'misunderestimated'
Bush took first place at the world moron championships this year.
by Paul August 22, 2003
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Someone that refuses to read the above statement:
"Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities."
But still writes their boyfriend's/girlfriend's and/or best friend's name. Usually starts an entry with "The most amazing person you'll ever meet!"

Makes it very annoying for those of us that screen through these entries.
Quotes from your average moron-
1. (Name) is an awesome, sexy person!
2. (Name) is a loser douchebag!!1!
by TehNinja January 14, 2010
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