a cross between a man and a poodle.. makes a great pet..you can walk him, train him and feed him but you'll never sleep with him..only good for companionship
John is the best friend a girl can ask for..Hes soo reliable and trainable.... im never going to sleep with him but hes make a GREAT MOODLE :)
by italiancupcake17 February 2, 2010
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A man who likes to cuddle with girls and/or "boo-love".
"Yo, where is Alex tonight?"

"He's hanging out with his girlfriend..."

"Damn, what a moodle!"
by Szaboooo October 24, 2011
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To molest with a noodle, especially with one's own noodle, or with a noodle of unspecified origin.

Usage Note: Although the act of moodling is usually unintentional, the verb can convey a connotation of sketch. (See second example.)
At dinner Mariska was dismayed to find, upon glancing at her lap, that she had been... moodled.

So Ryan, do any moodling lately? *wink, wink*
by wandersfar December 17, 2004
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a Moodle is a mix of the words 'Man' and 'Poodle', a moodle is a male living form, who girls chose to date just to feel safe.
Allawi: Jennifer Dumped me
Khadim: Baba, your a moodle
Allawi: What the hell is a moodle?
Khadim Well girls like to hug you, take you out to the park, but no one likes to 'do' the moodle.
Allawi: -._-
by Karbalaei Gangster May 28, 2010
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a girl who is pretty, outgoing, not selfish and is really down to earth.
by Jordy Insomniac. May 17, 2010
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When your not sure if it’s a vagina or a doodle it’s a Moodle.
I picked up one night, I wasn’t sure what to do with a moodle
by Kayt3615 June 25, 2022
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