a Morbidly Obese woman....mainly found in North America...USA to be exact.
Guy 1: Dude i regret everything i did last nite...im sure its illegal in all the 12 Colonial States.

Guy 2: What happened.

Guy 1: I totally got gang raped by a bunch of Mobe chicks...they were led by Oprah and Kirstie Alley.

Guy 2: *barf*
by fontanask8r November 24, 2009
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A mobe is Sam Ellison
Sam Ellison is a mobe and a chode in one!!!
by Adam Stevens November 11, 2004
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A person with no visible stomach.
Their chin is so long/fat it reaches their penis. Can be refered to chode
"You are a mobe"
by Sam Ellison April 5, 2004
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To Get a a "Mob" of people and beat up random, innocent People.
Me and some friends were Morro Bay Mobing at the High School
by Youremember July 28, 2011
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From the word moba (multiplayer online battle arena)

online play games with other people.
I going to be mobing with my Xbox today.
by joakosolo November 27, 2016
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(adjective;) Something Small or Cute

(noun;) can mean anything or everything at all
1. Aww, that kitty is so mobe!
2. It's cold as mobe during the winters
by BeeBoiBeeThem October 8, 2022
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noun: A person who eats Polynesian sauce with every meal and or a stupid idiotic being whom gets zero bitches and has the style of a 7 year old boy. (william whitfield would be valid for the naming of a mobe child)
Kid 1: AYO!!! ur being a mobe.

Kid 2: No i’m just William Whitfield

Kid 1: ….stop mobing. (the verb usage)
by zoenut! November 8, 2022
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