Used to describe someone/something that is particularly dirty, smelly etc.
You're a pure minky basturt
by Stuvo C August 10, 2004
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My friend called me a minki because I told him my fish drowned!
by The lump man April 7, 2021
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1. Minky = a pretty fanny, vagina, or a pretty lady

2. Minky mouse = tampon
Why thats a lovely Minky you've got there!

I need a Minky Mouse!
by Kathryn Waterson October 18, 2007
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A Minky is a type of vagina gremlin. Much the same as the warbling wickersham or the dribbling grackleshank they live inside afflicted female genitalia, waiting for an unsuspecting penis or inanimate object to venture closeby. As soon as the Minky detects said penetrator, they will jump out and attack it, in the case of a penis they will tickle the males bellend and try to prevent any further vaginal interaction. Minkies can affect any female at any time. The only way to get rid of a Minky infestation is to ram the tormented sexual organs with a properly prepared penis.
Friend 1: "How did your date go last night, fella?"

Friend 2: "Yeah, was good mate, until we got to it. She was riddled with Minkies! Tickled the shit out of me first time I tried to stick it in!"

Friend 1: "Ah, Rubbish! What did you do? I had to quit last time I encountered a Minky!"

Friend 2: "Only thing I could do! Fucking rammed that shit in there and saved those organs!"
by MinkyMarauder June 25, 2011
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Look at all those Roosters fans across the road, what a collection of minki.
by Box to box January 17, 2021
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Another word for Monkey. used by Clouseau in the Pink Panther
What a nice Minky you have there!
by albion-bh September 19, 2007
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A type of music usually associated with underground raves and drug usuage, e.g. Bassline, Jump-up DnB etc.
*Annix remix of ‘The Sound’ by Majistrate comes on*

Random sesh creature: “Corrrrrrrrr fuckin’ hell this is minky
by TopBanana21 June 21, 2018
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