
A part of existence that philosophers and scientists just can't seem to "wrap their minds around", albeit it has been at the center of philosophical and scientific discourse for centuries.
Philosopher 1: "What is the mind?"

Philosopher 2: "I have no idea."
by FNW September 26, 2011
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Throughout modern times the word 'mind' has been added to the end of all sentences spoke in the Gloucester (UK) area. It can indicate a question, acceptance, frustration, to big up a conquest or anything you so choose!
"What's it for mind?"
"Enjoyed that mind."
"That's it, he's dead mind."
"She got rode mind"
"Big night tonight, gonna put on my new Ben Shearman mind"
"Going up town tonight mind"
"Don't smoke it all mind"
"alright my babber mind"
by Wold March 5, 2009
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A place to keep your things.
I keep them in my mind.
by Elliott Isaac February 20, 2008
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Something that a pimp will take away from a weak woman.
Pimps will use your mind against you girls.
by WannabeApimpSumday April 6, 2010
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The part of your brain that keeps stuff you are aware of.

To keep (variable something) in or on the mind.

To be annoyed or bothered by something.
I'm losing my mind.

Mind your manners.

Yes, I mind the carrot peeler by my penis.
by ZERØ O'skül March 4, 2011
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Homophobe at a club: Wtf are u guys doing there on the dancefloor hurr durr.
Dancers: Minding our own business, silly.
by snlr October 17, 2009
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