Michaeling is when someone misses all of there shots in game (usually done by a guy named Michael)
"Michael cant stop michaeling" or "why are you michaeling?"
by im not michaeling July 7, 2020
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Conspicuously flexing one's enormous muscles while contorting the face and pursing the lips.
"Man, giving the presentation was really distracting, one of the professors kept michaeling in front of me."
by DrMcSausage December 17, 2013
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Aimless wandering, harassment of all females in sight and looking busy without actually doing anything.
Omg, is it 5pm yet?! I can't take much more. I'm about to start Michaeling.
by DontGOStay February 5, 2016
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When you meet a Michael, you will instantly fall in love with him. He can be very adorable at times whenever you are upset or just extremely hilarious. A Michael has a perfect personality. They are comedic, loving, caring, cute. They have such great personalities. He will hug you when you need one, even maybe kiss you. He doesn't mind anything at all and goes with the flow. Michael will be naturally good at anything. Sometimes you will think to yourself what makes a Michael so perfect? A Michael is just perfect, they'll do anything for the ones they care for. They hate to be violent, but will do so if they had to for protection etc. Overall, Michael is the best person you will ever meet. If something is wrong, don't worry Michael's got your back.
Girl: I heard Michael has a crush on you.
Other girl: He does?! I have a crush on him too!
Girl: You're lucky he likes you. You have a chance to be with the best man ever.
by AlexThePotato September 5, 2017
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Of all the definitions, Michael might not fit all of them. He might not fit any. That's because Michael toes the line; every quiz puts him in the center, every chart shows him neutral. Michael can register as something different every day. He's self-defying; both energetic and lethargic, focused and dazed, in and out of shape, caring and distant. He is unique in his un-uniqueness. His default perfect balance. If you can nudge a Michael towards a positive side of the scale, you will have a friend for life who will always keep you guessing in the best ways. If you bump a Michael to the negative, pray, because you've made a dangerous enemy. One who is never predictable. Unless you apologize and make it better, because most Michaels are forgiving like that.


In general, a Michael is a good friend to have due to their experiences; they are excellent at playing the crowd and mediating. One could start a war, and another could stop it. One could make a billion hate him, another could win them back over. Stick with him - who knows where he could take you?
Michael had a nice day today. Wish him your best, maybe he'll surprise you with some chocolate or something.
by linkmariokirby April 14, 2019
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From the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha'el) meaning "who is like God?". This is a rhetorical question, implying no person is like God. Michael is one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible.
My name is Michael
by Game mode 0 September 14, 2016
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The name most people instantly search on urban dictionary.
If your name is Michael, you're probably going "this is bullshit" on all the definitions.
"I searched up my name, Michael, on Urban Dictionary only to be disappointed that it was completely wrong.
by SunSunne May 12, 2018
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