Meef is a word that means whatever it needs to mean to fit the context of the situation. Though often used to replace swear words, it can take on a variety of meanings defined by the context.
This website is sweet meef. That girl looks meef. My car got meefed up.
by Meef J August 4, 2005
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1. A word to say when you have nothing else to say.

2. Used when watching a sporting event and the other team just barely wins.

3. Skank, Bitch or Whore. Used esp. with describing dates.
1. Mike: Who're you going to vote for?
Spencer: Uh, meef.

2. John: Yes! They're going to win! What? no, that wasn't a foul! Meef! HTF did they make that? Meef again! Shit, we lost!

3. Mike: How'd the date go?
John: Not too good. She's a goddamn meef.
by Crowles-Bowles July 11, 2008
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a burst of wind out of the butthole of a man; a man queef.
by gus 12 March 13, 2010
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a meef is a queef that has a more meaty sound than a regular queef. The meaty sound is generally caused by a reverberation of abnormaly large vaginal flaps, looseness of the vaginal region or even a wet queef.

note: a meef may also have a more defined meaty smell when compared to a queef.
example a)
woman - *meef*
man - "aw gross shut your legs i can smell your meat from over here!"

example b)
man 1 - "you done it in the shower yet?"
man 2 - "yeh man but it was gross cause she kept meefing on me"
man 1 - "yeh i knew she would, that chick gets around"
by wkd-11 March 1, 2010
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(noun) -- the anal release of air as the result of male anal penetration, a.k.a. a male-queef

(verb) -- the physical action of releasing a male-queef
Was that a fart or a meef?

Oops, I guess I meefed!
by SMuG1 March 31, 2011
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A cute phrase/word you say in response to something awkward or when you don't have anything else to say.
Ex 1:

Person 1: I like booty. Random and weird. Lolz

Person 2: ......meef .-.
by SparkleEmoMotion August 1, 2013
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Also See:Meefalo

1.)A man you can usually find stomping around weird places at your work area.

2.) Another word for "hanging"

3.) Just a word to say when there's nothing else to say.
"What are you up to?"
"Just meefin' around ol' Greensburg."

"I just spotted a meef!"

"Time to load up the cart and go meef hunting."
by Meefwrangler87 December 14, 2009
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