1. v. (log ing out) The skill of being able to stack your shits on top of one another, as if building a wall.

2. adv. (log-ging out) The act of randomly taking your semi hard cock out through the zipper hole in ones jeans, while leaving the button buttoned, and stroking slowly in a downward motion.
1. ie: "Dude! That chick didnt flush man! Come look at this,, bitch was Logging out! And good at it too!"

2. ie: "Bro! You must have been Hammered last night! You kept Logging out in front of those girls."
by SeanyB September 25, 2010
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To crap. The vacating of fecal logs from one's body.
Good lord! I just logged-out something fierce and I think I may have miscleaned!
by Phondookee June 28, 2005
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1. v. (log ing out) The skill of being able to stack your shits on top of one another, as if building a wall.

2. adv. (log-ging out) The act of randomly taking your semi hard cock out through the zipper hole in ones jeans, while leaving the button buttoned, and stroking slowly in a downward motion.
1. ie: "Dude! That chick didnt flush man! Come look at this,, bitch was Logging out! And good at it too!"

2. ie: "Bro! You must have been Hammered last night! You kept Logging out in front of those girls."
by seanyB September 23, 2010
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it’s a phrase when someone says something really weird or sus
“i wanna watch porn rn

“go ahead and log out for me hon
by livinlikelarry2 March 25, 2020
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The act of evacuating ones bowels. To take a dump
I'll be back in 10, i just have to log one out
by Shaun Morrison November 20, 2006
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When you log out of life you have seen something you wish to unsee but instead of bleaching your eyes and making you blind you delete from your memory. Reseting your entire body leads to memory loss of the wrong memories, organ failure, and death if not done correctly
I log out of life to unsee this cringe video
by MP.3 May 11, 2023
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the most painful thing to happen
True Story: I actually lost two of my YouTube accounts to this they are still faulting around the internet I just can't log in to them Getting logged out sucks
by NERDY HOODIE GUY October 20, 2023
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