to feel the fear like a ,fat bird, trying to keep pace on a treadmill.

the moment dave realised he was trapped in a locked room with a hungry lion, he was sweating like a fat bird on a treadmill
by Glyn Master of Weasels May 4, 2007
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When a person sweats profusely due to the overexertion of a physical activity.
Dan : "Hey Abbie, how's the workout going?"
Abbie : "Yeah, really great thanks. I'm sweating like a fat bird, in a bin bag, at a barn dance!"
Dan : "Good work, you won't be a fat fucker for much longer!"
by scooner March 21, 2018
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Used in conversations where you can't think of what to say so you proceed to repeat this in everything you say.
"Hey, what's up!"
"Like a bird, in the deepest darkest night"
by LetsShakeitUpALittle February 16, 2023
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when you get high as a bird and eat someone out
Cooper Munch like a bird on me
by RosaParksFan74 August 30, 2023
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