the type style symbol for "rock on", commonly known as a hand with an extended index and little finger
Yeah dude that shit was sick, rock on l,,l lol.
by Paul J Edwards II March 28, 2008
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this is a characterizing for a two hands flipping you off with a face in the middle, or in other words... fuck you
none really just ,,l,,(*_*),,l,,
by Schmuckey MCduckey April 10, 2006
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The Universal symbol for PAUSE, as in no homo
Poster: I like wen guys get sweaty during games

Mod:quoteI like wen guys get sweaty during games /quote


Poster: l l
by UnkleLuc May 26, 2009
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Two lower case l's separated by two periods. This is the symbol for Rock On! symbolizing the classic heavy metal "devil fingers" - index and pinky fingers raised whilst the ring and middle fingers are curled down.
Stan: Dude, I got four tickets to Ozzfest!!!!

Kyle: l..l !!!
by Ind0ctrinated August 18, 2011
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Definitely heading out tonight to get me some LL.

Cant wait for some L&L tonight
by Magic Madge June 21, 2011
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another way to say fuck you through the internet.
someone else: ..l.. >.< ..l..

-on the internet of
by Beth bitch! February 24, 2008
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Meaning You act like Lindsay Lohan;An insult for girls.
Hey did you see Hailey acting all LL?
by KGpimp April 12, 2007
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