Acronym for the Kuwaiti Union of New Teachers (absolutely true).
Come join our union, and you too can be a KUNT.
by Skin March 18, 2004
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A slang term for the cussing bastardisation of word kunt. An ephemeral use of the word cunt in a frustrated, disappointing or casual fashion.
Lost ten bucks on the dogs... "Kunted"
by Mark Walker August 24, 2007
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Cunt but with a hard k and a t.
by Zuriel_07 January 23, 2018
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A grade A Kunt

With a K it’s more affectionate
You are a Kunt mate

I only say that to people that I love
by December 8, 2019
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Often used in the LBGT environment, can be used viewed as negative or positive, depending on how you use it. It can mean prissy, good-looking, fashionable, well-put together, pussy like a cat....
1. She is KUNT.
2. U think ur so KUNT.
3. Boy, stop acting KUNT!
by Offut41 June 3, 2009
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Kunt is cunt, but it is a kewl way to avoid censorship in some ghey chatrooms or discussion boards over the internet.
what a c**t head.
what a kunt head.
by Anonymous May 24, 2003
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A Bukharian reference to a homosexual. Also referred to as "kuntar" in the eastern parts of the silk road valleys, the word in its nature is very literal.
Its meaning is derived from two words: "kun" meaning "the rectum/ass" and "te" meaning "to give" or "giver of (the ass)" . Thereby, "Kunte" meaning "assgiver" .
The Tashkenites would use a slight variation in terminology: "Kun" meaning "rectum/ass" and "tar" meaning "wet" . Thereby, "Kuntar" meaning "The wet assed one" .
Walter: Hey Aron, I saw you winking at me when you were drumming that darbuka. Are you a kunte?

Aron: Yes...would you like to go out for a drink some time?
by Heinrich Ishkamserov November 4, 2019
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