Thrash metal legend in training has very impressive side burns
Kringle plays eruption with his teeth
by HuskerDu April 17, 2005
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even more kringle then cringle.Like a cripple cringle.Like a hobo with no legs who trys to run from the cops.The only thing more cringle then kringle is Kapt. K. Kringle.Who is a retarded redneck with one eye and no arms who smokes crack with his stubs in a tent pitched on someone else's property.Also,kringle can be used to describe a neighborhood as extremely ghetto.
Bo,the junkie,bought some crack from a one-legged,mud-covered,kringle.
by Zac January 18, 2004
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A kringle is when feces gets attached to ones butt hair and dries there.
After mooning the principal, we noticed Alex had kringles on his butt, apparently from being too hairy and not correctly wiping his butt.
by George HK July 11, 2008
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1. One's certain movements, mannerisms and/or habits. Usually it is unique to them.

2. When one makes certain movements or acts in a certain manner.

2. When you pinch all of your fingers towards the inside of your palm, and raise it above your head, that would be kringle.
You can give kringle to somebody when you do something strange.

I've gotten kringle by looking at someone saying something weird to me, or acting in a certain manner. I inherit kringle from them.

The sister in Pet Semetery has kringle.

Certain moves that a certain star makes on stage is kringle.

When skateboarders are doing jumps, they'll commit kringle.

Jim Carey has full kringle.

Dennis Rodman has basketball kringle.
by trend July 17, 2004
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The male must first dress up as Santa Clause. Then, assuming any position, he will reach a climax and when he does, he will throw powdered sugar in her face, stick his testicles up her nostrils, then poke her in the eye with a candy cane. Usually takes place around Christmas.
Santa came last night! He gave me a Kris Kringle's Kringles!
by Jim Halloway March 14, 2007
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A verb; to make something Christmassy.
Derived from Chris Kringle, an alternate name for Santa Claus.
Found in the PVP strip for November 17, 2004.
I hate when people start kringling their houses before Thanksgiving.

"You kringled my iPod."
by l33tm0nk3y August 11, 2008
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A disease that prevents babies from looking sexy. Very contagious and causes the urge to have an affair.
My wife has a bad case of the Kringles
by Pointy Kringle June 13, 2021
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