krills (or krillz) is the crack

like slang that has "ills" added to everything.
that sucka is on the krills, for rills
by gazillions October 29, 2003
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Krilling is when your constantly depressed but at the moment you have a rush of dopamine so you feel pretty good, like a normal person.

You wanna kinda wanna kill yourself but not tonight because your krilling
P1: what are you doing tonight?
P2: you know man just krilling
by he May 24, 2019
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To twist or turn your ankle.
I krilled my ankle stepping off the sidewalk.
by Mswcat May 16, 2015
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"That girl was so krill she thinks Luke is the drummer"
by Hello5sos July 14, 2014
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jared a:yo dude look at that shit
mike t: i know dude shits krill
by mrrobotnow January 1, 2012
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Of or relating to every person in fuze. Commonly spoken before or during a squat.
"Krill why did I just do that"
by RiggyD January 23, 2017
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