Kraken: are legendary (usually sea) monsters of gargantuan size, said to have dwelt off the coasts of Iceland and Norway. The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the beasts have made them common ocean-dwelling monsters in various works. (You can kill them if you have them see Medusa's eyes, at least that's what the movie says) Then you will have a big stone kraken.

Engineering term: Said about a gigantic move from one stage in a program or development cycle to another where unexpected and usually previously un-identifiable improbable errors/problems occur. In this particular instance, Medusa can not help.
Ex: "Be Bold, the testing is done, 'Release the Kraken' Move it to the next stage!"
by The Definition Giver June 17, 2011
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A legendary wing suit parachute that took a long time to release.
"I love to fly my Kraken'
"I can't wait until the Kraken is released so I can fly it!"
by WingSuitChute July 24, 2019
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A nickname for the repulsive ass of one of your particularly large friends. Just pray you never see the eye. Nobody has ever seen its eye and lived to tell the tale.
Dude, put your pants back on, i don't want to sit here and look at The Kraken.
by ihatebuffering March 6, 2011
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The area of a womens genitalia that has seen to many penis's in the same night
Your chilling with a girl and she sits on every guys lap within 15mins, yea shes kraken
by Cool Dood October 24, 2012
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A creature which used to be a female but after many sexual encounters her vagina has mutated into a tentacled beast. This can be caused through mutation of STD's or through overuse of vagina.
The kraken has swallowed many sea men.

she is patient zero for chlmydia, what a kraken.
by VLRbossman September 30, 2011
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a huge killer dragon beast that lives in the sea, possibly Godzilla's father. according to folklore the kraken was originally someones pet gecko and that person angered the God's by peeing in the village fountain, so Zeus made his pet gecko grow to around 60 metres high and ordered it to kill him. alternate sources say it got trapped in a greenhouse. starred in the film "Clash Of The Titans".
The Kraken: "WRAAAARGH!"
Perseus: "leave me alone you big spastic lizard!"
*Perseus stabs the Kraken in the eye*
by failure33object April 26, 2005
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