Kallan has a “magic” effect that makes people like her. She is beautiful on the outside and something that more often is not found than is… beautiful on the inside as well. She’s someone who truly lives for nothing other than helping others, regardless of the impact it might have on herself. So much so, that people do not understand her and have a wrong impression or idea of her.
Kallan needs Kallan
by A no ny mo us June 13, 2022
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taking away the love of my life kallan is a girl stealer
dude my girl wont hang out with me

bro shes with kallan
of course ugh fuck him
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He is a fucking spastick he has a giant manly cock, hes a midget and love amelia and want to such her little cammel toe
OMG he is such a ga y c unt jk i think hes a Kallan Cooper Hart
by big dicklinbo james July 18, 2022
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