THe biggest douche to ever walk the earth who happens to be married to britney spears and be the biggest dipshit to think he can rap.
That kid is a dumbass, just like K-Fed....
by steeze louiz April 11, 2006
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The PRIME example of a man living off of his famous, hugely monied wife in order to acheieve even the tiniest status in his life.
K-Fed did George Bush and O.J. a favor, actually. He's become the new national punchline.
by Their 2nd Cousin November 11, 2006
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The act of fucking someone over, much like Kevin Federline did Brittany Spears; ie, stretched out her pussy, used her money, got her fat, and then cheated on her.
Holy shit, can you believe CPT "T" K-FEDed me like that? I feel fucking used.
by thediggler September 15, 2006
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a term used to describe a craker that thinks he can rap but in reality he cant rap for his life
jon: man i rap better than eminem
tom: no ur just a k fed
by fty December 16, 2006
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1:) Semen Spewer
2:) A synonym for the word "cheat" (as in: cheat in life, on a person, in a game, etc...)
3:) The act of being "full of shit"; or filling someone with shit
1:) "K-Fed should be an option under 'employment' on the DHS assistance forms."
2:) "I got k-feded out of my alimoney because I k-fed on my sugar-mama."
3:) "John Cena tired of K-Fed's k-fed, so he STFU'd him."

I know-all lame...blah
by JhennRhaiyne November 11, 2006
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when a loser shoots inside a successful woman so that he can become her "baby daddy" and use her for his personal gain.
"dude, my life is going nowhere."

"well, what are you going to?"

"I don't know. maybe I'll just pull a K FED"
by lesbiansea January 2, 2009
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