A demon that Keeps you awake at night and lives in your English class
It's Jooste , where is the cross
by Raider768 September 16, 2020
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The best, coolest, hottest fucking dude you'll meet.
Joost is so cool! I wanna suck his dick!
by J-Foose February 21, 2018
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A Dutch Mentalist, who resides in the East London. Instantly recognisable from a strange tic, which involves the placement of his right hand to his forehead at 30 second intervals. Hobbies include making guys happy, and being a muse for hard drinking poets.
"I am Joost, it rhymes with Toast"
"I must go home and make a guy happy"
"I think you are making a pause out of what I am saying"
by Peldon March 25, 2004
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A shitty program that lets you watch crappy TV over the interwebs. Only available if you run windows or Mac OSX.
Guy 1. "Hey, have you checked out Joost?"
Guy 2. "No, but I heard its more useless than a mules sack, I think I'll stick with hulu or megavideo."
by crazy1291 March 2, 2009
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A man who can't see its own penis because he is to fat.
Im to fat, im a total Joost!
Dude, you are such a Joost!
by Greetzz May 19, 2008
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One who cheats blantently in what he/she does. uses outside help to accomplish a semi easy task
Sammy Sosa was a Joost when he used performance enhancing drugs while he played in the MLB.
by Bob Engleson October 18, 2006
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1. The awesome and smart guy, has curly hair and doesn't give a shit about anything.
2. The awesome and smart guy, has no curly hair and doesn't give a shit either.
Jay: 'Wow, he's a real gentleman and alpha
Jay2: 'Damn right, he's a real Joost
by gewooneenflower January 16, 2017
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