'Fayme we should give our pet rock a name.'
by Chalk board May 24, 2021
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A super joint concoction including:

• Weed mostly
• Opium
• Heroin
Crushed up E
• Morphine
• Some of it's unidentifiable
• And a bit of Angel dust
When the world slips you a Jeffery, stroke a furry wall.
by Goodgold1987 June 15, 2010
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the kind of guy to be cute and cuddly when he's drunk, but when he's sober he's a bastard that will never follow you back on twitter.
"don't be a jeffery right now"
"you're a fucking jeffery"
by Spidermanspenis November 4, 2013
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A person who is super accident prone, so if you have any expensive things, and a Jeffery in your house, keep them both locked up.
Wait... Jeffery is coming over... crap...
by SenorToastYT October 28, 2019
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A romantic loose end that will negatively impact future relationships.

A social satellite that could re-enter your orbit as a dangerous asteroid at any moment.
So I was on a date, and that girl I had that awkward fling with was the bartender at the bar. She's such a Jeffery.
by RobbinsFilm March 10, 2015
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A Jeffery is a name for a spider... So if you don't want to be the wimp that screams "SPIIIIIIIIIDEEEER!", be the weirdo that screams "JEEEFREYYYY!!!"
Oh my god it's a JEFFERY!!!!!! (me every time I see a spider)
by Frank'sFavoriteFlobster.org February 9, 2019
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A joint mixed with marijuana; opium; heroin; methadome; and a sprinkle of angel dust (PCP).
You guys need to just chill out and take a hit of this jeffery!
by jeff34545 July 1, 2010
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