Jaren is such an asshat
by real lyfe February 16, 2018
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The male form of Karen. When confronted with an instance where the Jaren is clearly in the wrong he will attack with poor attempts at trolling in an attempt to garner support. Jarens are extremely fragile.
That Jaren just came into McDonald’s complaining about his whopper and is yelling around the dining room that its a burger so they have to fix it.
by Hadesflower December 2, 2020
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to hit on a girl, and right before you are about to make your final move, you find out she has a boyfriend.
Wow I really like that girl...but she just told me her boyfriend is a quarterback for the NFL.
Ouch, you just got Jarened.
by rainmakeralan March 18, 2009
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the most amazing kid ever usually very funny and short for his/her age loves to cook in the kitchen and loves video games
boy1- have you heard of the new kid jaren
boy1- well u should he's amazing
by Xavier February 25, 2017
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a hot nigga that will kill you and take yo girl no homo
yo nigga that nigga jaren is overpowered he gon take my girl
by dirtyniggarsstolemyfood May 21, 2019
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a white person who looks too white to be white (also looks like a waffle iron)
bob: yo dude did you see jaren’s new white bikes?

joe: oh i thought he was just barefoot
by baggedmilklmao October 29, 2019
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Is it JADEN and serenity OR JAVED and serenity 😉
Me:Jarenity 🤞🏽
Person 1: YAS JAVEDD
Person 2:Javed? Isnt it Jaden?
Person 1: its both . JARENITY4L😉🤞🏽
by Monalisa111444 February 6, 2023
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