that girl was very janni, i dont know how she finds trousers
by lovaaaaaaar January 8, 2009
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the best brother you’ll ever have. He’s funny, smart and you can talk to him about everything.
Jannis is the best bro.
by Jo4203 November 21, 2021
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Jannis is a protective person who really loves his family. Take care of him and love him, he deserves it!
You mean 'Jannis'?
Of course I like him. Everbody does. :)
by isitvegan_lol November 21, 2021
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That girl's so Janni she must hem all her pants.
by mf_rocks February 4, 2010
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Is just another definition of perfection. Can also be used for describing a virtuose (You're such a Jannis). Remeber everything a 'Jannis' ever said, because a ' Jannis' always only speaks with the wisest words.
I can't believe how u just killed Osama bin laden, Chuck norris, and John Cena with your little finger, you're nearly Jannis
by DiivineImpulzz August 3, 2017
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an abbreviation of the word "janitor" mainly used in the rural regions of Northern California
Bob: Are you working as a janny this summer?
Bill: Yes, I enjoy cleaning.
by B Kucz July 15, 2006
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