She is negstive and positive sweet but has a cold heart never meet her bad side cause once u male her mad you WILL regret it. But once u get to know her better she will be an angel. She is very funny, and fun to around she has a noce spirit that brings out the good in others. She has a warm hesrt full of cheer, but it wont always be like that. Jana can be weird but u know hwat THATS JUST JANA FOR YA.🔥🖤
Jana is strong intelligent athletic in some ways but she may not look like she is all those things but SHE KNOWS SHES ALL THOSE THINGS SHE IS CONFIDENT NEVER WILL LET U DOWN

by Yorkies1234 December 27, 2017
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Jana is a stunning girl with a very sex body. She has gorgeous curly hair and glowing green eyes. She's a firecracker. She is very sufisticated, smart but also funny, loyal and an amazing friend. Every body loves her and she is fun to Hang around with. You always have a good time with her. She is great at everything she sets her mind to and won't stop til she reaches her goal. She lightens the Mood everywhere she goes. She always sticks up for her friends and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. She is or will be very succesfull du to her wilkpower and academics. She maybe seems a little bit weird but she is soooo cool and everybody wants to be her friend. She is a dreamer and sometimes gets lost in her Dreams but her head and heart are at the right place. She is messy sometimes but she always gets her act together. Jana is great at Sports too. Although she is very tough on herself she always comes out on top. She is a perfectionist but also very realistic. She has a great Sense of Humor and is extremely fashionable. She loves food ans has a sweettooth. Jana is Kind of all over the place and others sometimes get a little overwhelmed. Jana is very confident and has much self respect and she Stands up for what she belives in. Overall Jana is the person you want to be or have in your life. She will make your life that much better. Jana is INCREDIBLE
Damn Jana slayin' as always.
Wow Janas are fine as wine !
Everyone when the See a Jana :

Damnnnn that girl is PERFECTION
by FreshGurl October 23, 2019
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A beautiful woman, commonly seen with mainly guys. Love disney anything, wishes everyday life had more excitement. Dreams that Pokemon would exist, so she could catch them all. Mainly sarcastic, but have a good heart. Her head is definitely in the right place. Amazing at anything she sets her mind to.

Janna is the completely opposite of everything above, never spell her name like that.
You know that Jana girl, she is cool, weird dreams, but I'd totally do her.
by Wistfully Anonymous March 1, 2009
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The ship name cutest and most amazing couple of the year.<3333333
by Bagelmaster125 January 17, 2019
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Jana is a gorgeous, intelligent, sexy firecracker who will love you to death or not give you the time of day. She is very reserved in what she says and does unless you are in her inner circle, in which case she will wear her heart on her sleeve. She is caring and protective of those she loves. She tends to overthink and worry and requires assurance that everything will be fine. She knows this already, but she likes the re-assurance. She has an amazing sense of humor and can take a joke as much as she can dish them out. She is a closet weirdo. She responds to weirdness but will not let anyone know how truly weird she is. Her body is like a tractor beam. It'll suck you right in. Her smile is infectious. Her breasts are amazing, and her ass absolutely WILL NOT QUIT. She can't sleep for shit, and she likes to exercise in dangerous conditions, like a dark alley way in an industrial business park at night. I also believe her to be much pervier than she lets on. She likes the finer things in life. Nice clothes, cars, caviar, steak, and lobster. She gets whatever she wants from all of her boyfriends and they are happy to give it as long as they simply get to be in her presence.
That bish right thurr don't even compare to Jana.
by unicorn banger August 15, 2019
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The type of friend who usually is the most social online then offline. Has many friends from around the world and she’s pretty chill, but when it comes to games, she’ll scream as reeeee never existed. She’s the funny one in the friend group and likes to make people laugh but has a dark side to bullying and will stand up for it. Her love life is usually guys with an “A” or “L” at the beginning of their name that they adore a lot. They don’t blush but show affection through online and that’s how they can form one stable relationship. Jana’s won’t leave the friend group unless they had enough of them or it was a tonic friend group. Jana’s also have the best talent at drawing. They also mostly have brownish blackish hair with greenish hazel eyes.
“Jana is my love drawing geek.”
by Cream puff man November 3, 2019
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