Means "HAHA" in Spanish. Used in capital letters and often spammed by enthusiastic Spanish players. Popular term used in Metal Gear Online.
by Samsterw July 8, 2009
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In Polish "jaja" means:

1. eggs
2. balls (testicles)
3. sth funny/strange
1. Kury znosza jaja.
Hens lay eggs.
2. Faceci maja jaja.
3. Ale jaja!
by brzydal October 18, 2006
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Polish american slang for eggs. Comes from the polish word jajko (pronounced yai-ko) meaning egg.
Grocery list: bread, milk, jajas, suger

Me: Jajas? Huh?

My Mom: Yeah, you know, eggs.
by zspork December 16, 2010
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Spanish for haha. Mostly used by gamers
ex-assasin: jaja ipwn u in mw2
assasin: stfu no good pos
by iPwnjaja January 2, 2011
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In Norwegian, the word means "yes", but in a "care way".
Person B dont care about all the girls person A fuck.

A. "Ey dude, I fucked my third girl this week!"
B. "Jaja.."
by Careboy October 4, 2010
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A retarded way to say lol, that singles you out for harassment and abuse.

Also see: You're doing it wrong
jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja, disregard that I suck cocks.
by ninjanymous July 25, 2009
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A name to call Spanish people in a kinda but not so racist way
Person 1: Do you think Trump will build the wall to keep out the jajas?
Person 2: nah there is a lot of funding that goes into that and we gotta keep a stable economy
by TheSnapback December 28, 2019
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