Russian, Good with cats, doesn’t like soup 😡, enjoys cooking, wears black, is pretty
Why is irina so pretty rn??
by Irina likes girls 225 July 29, 2021
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God dam sexiest woman alive. It has been said that even Brad Pitt has wet dreams of her. She is also known to have a mighty fine posterior and the sensitivist of sensitive nipples. People bow down to her and wish they were as lucky as Yuri (the lucky son of a gun).
" Dam that girl looks fine, she's almost as good as Irina"
by Yurio January 4, 2007
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An Eastern European mother. Loves her kids and makes really good soup.
Ivan: Hey Sasha what's your mums name?
Sasha: Irina. Yours?
Ivan: Irina.
Sasha: Cool
by ElPolloDeDiablo January 3, 2015
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The one and only, supremely talented female four-square player to rock Buckland history. For male counterpart refer to Vijay
Duuuuuuuude, that girl just owned me with a black-magic play! Shes like Irina or something duuuuude.
by 4square4life August 20, 2007
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Meaning:peace. Irina is a girl's name of Greek origin. Irina translates to “peace” and has roots in Ancient Greek tradition. Although mainly the name used for a slavic woman, the woman may also be known as 'Ira'.

Personality wise Irina is a 'Woman' who is strong minded and determined in what she does, she hardly ever gives up, and when faced with a 'challenge' she finds more than one way to overcome it. She is not just extraordinarily smart with a higher than average 'IQ' 'overachieving' in her studies, she is also a beloved daughter, older sister, cat owner, best friend and a beautiful wholehearted lover. If you find an Irina, keep her close as she is a one of a kind person.
person 1: "Oh Who is that she is so perfect"

person 2: "Thats Irina! she is super academically smart"

Person 3: " And Beautiful"
by AnonymousCatWeirdo.UwU October 24, 2022
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Irina is the most beautiful girl in the Universe. She is a special girl with an unparalleled personality. He always likes to surprise people and he likes to play with them. Not to say that I know she lives in Romania, Fetesti.
by Bogdannn July 24, 2019
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